Visit the Emergency Assistance page for more information about emergency shelters and emergency food resources.
Our staff reaches out to form relationships with those in the greater Somerville & Arlington communities who are experiencing street homelessness. We work with other providers to visit areas where homeless people gather and encampments where they sleep. Our staff helps them find shelter, food, and other resources. We offer case management services and can help clients find healthcare and detoxification services.
Meet Hayley & Bobby
Hayley was first introduced to Bobby in November 2021 while he was working on getting his Section 8 voucher and the two hit it off right away. Bobby had been a lifelong Cambridge resident and was hoping to once again live in the city he called home.
Not long after meeting, Bobby had an important court appeal which would end up changing the outlook of his housing journey. The court hearing just so happened to be on the same day as our annual Thanksgiving client dinner. Knowing how important the hearing was for him, Hayley decided to skip the Thanksgiving meal so that she could be at the courthouse to support Bobby.
This became a pivotal point for Bobby as he realized that he didn’t have to manage everything on his own. From that day forward Bobby began checking in with Hayley almost every day and together they worked towards getting Bobby housed.
“I’m coming straight to you because you’re my favorite, you’re the best, I love ya!” – Bobby
Finally in the summer of 2022, after a year-long journey and 5 months on a waitlist, Bobby got the keys to his own apartment and is proud to be living in Cambridge again. And even though Bobby has taken the next step in his journey, he makes sure to stop by our Engagement Center regularly to check in with his bestie Hayley.
“A big part of Outreach is relationship building, it really is the foundation. People who don’t know how to get help, those are who you look to help.” – Hayley
Our Shelter is a transitional living community where individuals who were experiencing homelessness can live while they work with our case managers to find permanent housing. Through our Outreach & Shelter programs, we work closely with clients on their journey to finding a home. No matter what, we never give up on our clients
Adult Shelter
Somerville Homeless Coalition has 16 beds for individuals. Guests are all assigned to case workers who help them find permanent housing. To learn more about securing a bed at our shelter please visit our Engagement Center during our operating hours in order to do an intake and be placed on the waitlist.
Please note that turnover is low and capacity is limited, so we encourage people to be patient and regularly follow up with our staff.
Thank You