While food, clothing and shelter will always constitute the immediate needs of the homeless population, over the past two decades the barriers and obstacles preventing homeless families and individuals from moving into housing have become more daunting. Nevertheless, SHC has evolved by successfully cultivating and implementing a variety of innovative programs designed to respond to the complex circumstances affecting our clientele—in particular, developing an affordable supportive housing program.
Through the Balance of State Coordinated Entry System, SHC houses chronically homeless individuals in Permanent Supportive Housing. SHC leases over 50 apartments in the Somerville/Arlington area which are then subleased to clients long term. Supportive Service staff members, through a personalized approach, strive to nurture our homeless clients transitioning off the streets and out of emergency shelters by providing them with weekly case management services to promote success in stabilization. In addition to SHC’s permanent supportive housing units, SHC contracts with local affordable housing providers to offer these individualized case management services to formerly homeless individuals living in their buildings as well.